Capri Blue Candles: Our candles are fan-favorites with a high-quality wax blend that is long burning
Capri Blue Volcano: With its familiar feel and cult following, Volcano is the perfect blend of citrus and sugar notes. Like the excitement and energy of a summer night rendezvous, this fragrance is simply unforgettable.
Capri Blue Glimmer Candle Holiday Gift Set: The best gifts come in small boxes! Features four rich, romantic Glimmer mini tins all stacked in a stunning Glimmer-inspired acetate carton. It truly is the perfect gift. Each gift set comes with one Glimmer Mini Tin in each fragrance: Crystal Pine, Pumpkin Dulce, Tinsel & Spice, and Volcano
Discover the correct method for burning a candle! Explore our detailed Candle Burning Guide for helpful pointers and techniques!
Capri Blue Glimmer Collection: Stop sweating, you finally found the perfect holiday gift! Is your bestie CB obsessed? Introduce them to our iconic holiday fragrances with our Glimmer Holiday Gift Set. The tough decision? Which candle to burn first!